This advanced course aims to provide you more in-depth knowledge and special techniques to practice the DORN METHOD at a higher professional level.
- Basic Knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology
- Knowledge of causes of spinal problems and other health problems
- Assessment and diagnosis of Structural Imbalances (Misaligned joints)
- Correction of spinal and joint misalignment
- Safe application of the Dorn Method Self Help Exercises
- Understanding of correct applications and limitations
- The Breuss Massage
After the course, the student will be able to assess structural imbalances on people of any age, apply the manual therapy principals of the Dorn Method in a safe and effective way, explain and demonstrate the Dorn Method Self Help Exercises, understand and is able to explain the correct application and limitations of the Dorn Method.
Academic Part
- Explanation of the Dorn Method including:
- History
- legal considerations
- international
- Developments, Variations and Advancements in Germany
- Connections to TCM and Meridian Science
- Connections to Non-Physical Healing Theories.
Theoretical Part
- The very gentle (newest) version of the Dorn Method as Dieter Dorn is teaching it now in his seminars for Therapists. (Suitable for Professionals, also for Lay-Healers & Family-Treatments)
- Advancements and special techniques developed by other Dorn Method Teachers.
- Review of the critical points: Cervical Spine, Sacrum and others.
- Treatment of Children and Infants.
- Treatment of Animals. (Pets and lager animals)
- Self Help Exercises.
- Additional Exercises incl. Advices on Sitting, Sleeping, Stretching, Training, Posture etc.
- Products developed to help the Therapist.
- The Breuss Massage.
Foundation Certificate Course | Course Dates |